Tuesday 27 March 2007

Photoshop CS 3000

In the future we won't have to do all that heavy mouse stuff, we'll just say 'adjustment layer there' and 'give me a feathered selection there'. And we will have chairs that hover.
OK I got organised and made my first tutorial- go and have a look at it here and then you can report back and tell me what you think? Come on, why should I do all the work?


Joe Fowler said...

Very cool idea! And yes, I would love to see how you put your illos together!

Cuffe said...

Thanks Joe, have a look at the tutorial (the link is below the illustration here) and let me know what you think

Adrian Ropp said...

Hey, great tutorial you set up. I know how much work those are. And what a wonderful world it would be if we could improve the ol' mouse and keyboard method!

Take care!